• Welcome to Home Music.
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    coporate profile

    name   Home Music Inc.


    e-mail address info@your-homemusic.com





    capital stock  ¥1,000,000


    business detail  playing the music and delivering the musicians and so on.


    tax accountant Wataguchi Kohei


    CEO profile


    CEO Lee Yeong Chan


    born in 1988, Japan


    graduated Aoyama Gakuin University


    worked at Soft Bank Telecom(current Soft Bank Corporateion.)


    worked there just 9 months and studied

    abroad at University of California in San Diego.


    lost the passport and didn't understand Korean, had a visa trouble.


    worked in Los Angeles.


    established Home Music Inc. in 2021


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    Lee Yeong Chan

    Thanks for supporting Home Music Inc as always.


    We make our own story, loved by a lot of people.


    We are on the way of our dream and appreciate your supporting.


    Thank you.

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    Music Advisor

    Ohbu Ryosuke


    I contribute to the company from the point of view as a proffessional musician.




    Born in Chiba, started playing the piano since 5 years old.


    graduated Kogane high school and bachelor and master's degree of piano course of Tokyo college of music.


    won a lot of prize of music contests.


    playing various fields of music.


    arranging the tunes or songs.


    I am involved in a wide range of activities, such as accompaniment for competitions, pianist at wedding receptions, and piano performances in plays.

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    Music Advisor
    Yoji Hirose


    After graduating from high school, entered Musashino Music Academy.Majored in rock and jazz for 3 years.

    I also studied under Gt. Hirokuni Korekata and worked as his assistant.

    After graduating, I began a live and studio career as a backing musician.

    After that, I also worked as a lecturer at a vocational school, teaching guitar, composition, DTM, ensemble, etc. for over 20 years.
    In addition, he is also involved in publishing related matters such as instructional books, song books, and Gt monthly magazines.

    Since 2008, I have been involved in composing, arranging, recording, editing, and producing music for TV programs as a writer, and in 2017, I released an omnibus instrumental album "Heartwarming Music" which is a collection of my works.

    I provide my own original music for NTV travel programs, TBS/TV Asahi sports programs, NHK, BS, etc.

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    Social Adviser
    Anna Matsukura

    the representative of project Heart for ethical model

    I grew up in the great nature of Aomori, and have been promoting the charm of nature and the region since I was a student as a model.


    When I started to visit Tokyo for work, I felt that there was a big gap between living in the city and living in the countryside. We are raising and operating.


    In today's digital world, I want to convey the excitement of a "live" experience that doesn't go through machines or screens to many people.


    The same is true for music, and there are parts that overlap with President Lee's thoughts, so I decided to participate as an advisor for home music.


    I would like to cooperate with you from a social and multifaceted perspective.


    My hobbies are playing the flute and listening to classical music.


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    Flower Ambassador
    Nakamura Kayo
    "Hanaasobi" is a modeling class using Ross Flower®.We hold workshops for parents and children, lectures at nursery schools, schools, etc., and workshops for adults.

    More children will become familiar with flowers by actually touching them, and as they grow older, it will be easier to incorporate flowers into their daily lives. That's what I think.
    I would like to entrust the future of flowers to children, reduce the amount of loss flowers as much as possible, and create a future that is kind to children, flowers, and the earth.

    I think that music and flowers have something in common: they heal people's hearts and bring smiles to their faces.
    We will strive to create opportunities for everyone who loves music to experience the power of flowers.

    *Ross Flower® refers to flowers that are discarded while they are still beautiful. At flower farms, there are products that are substandard, and there are products that are unsold at flower markets and flower shops.
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    Runa Umeda

    I was studying regional revitalization and design at university.


    After graduating from university, I worked for an advertising company in Tokyo for three years, and now I am working as a designer and illustrator in Higashiizu Town, Shizuoka Prefecture, while working as a community revitalization cooperation team.

    Design can communicate something to people by capturing the essence of something that cannot be seen with the naked eye and giving it a form.

    I believe that by harnessing the power of design, music can bring joy and excitement to even more people, and I would like to demonstrate that power through home music.

    We will strive to convey the charm of music to as many people as possible.

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    Internship worker
    Araki Oto

    I like the phrase of the boy of Disney moovie "remember me "

    " La música es mi lengua y el mundo mi familia"
    "The music is our words and the world is our family. "


    There are so many music fans in the world so I hope there will be a place where we can enjpy the music cheerfully.

    I devote myself to contribute to our team.